Is the GSI Pello portable?
Yes, the Pello is small and lightweight, making it ideal for any environment, regardless of testing space size. The Pello's portability makes it a great option for use at offsite testing or satellite offices.
How is the Pello adaptable to my clinic’s needs?
The Pello comes with a standard configuration that includes air, bone, and speech testing. However, as your clinic's needs change, you can easily upgrade your device at any time to include the Speech Plus, Special Tests, or High Frequency licenses. This makes the Pello a perfect tool to grow with your practice.
Does the Pello come with word lists built into the device?
Yes, the Pello comes with more than 100 common word lists that may be organized into a “favorites” list for each test type. You can seamlessly implement the reliability and consistency of recorded speech stimuli without fumbling with external devices during a patient exam.
Is there a way to switch between mastoid bone and forehead testing?
Both calibrations are stored to address various bone conduction audiometry needs. Audiologists can switch between forehead and mastoid bone testing as dictated by the patient/test environment.
What are some of the benefits for the configurable tests and preferences?
You can maximize your workflow and speed of testing when using the configurations and preferences. You may choose to start in the speech screen rather than the tone screen, the left ear rather than the right, a specific dB level, and frequency based on user or facility preferences.